NFL All Day Brand Development

Product Development & Design

The mission of NFL ALL DAY is to provide an authentic, fan-driven approach to sports collecting in the Web3 world. We aim to do what physical card collectors can’t: give users the ability to own specific highlights of NFL plays in the form of Moments. Rather than static 2D collectibles, ours are fully-3D with video highlights all wrapped up in a neat collectible format.

Some examples of “Series 02” Collectibles I worked on that built upon the initial designs seen in the first series.

Pack Design

Our collectibles needed to be packaged and delivered in a unique way. Since the Moments would be bundled into a pack to be sold via drops, we wanted the packs themselves to be collectible and just as sought-after as the Moments they carried. The following is a mix of some of the packs I designed, including those from Series 01 (closed beta), Series 02 (open beta), special promotions, partnerships, historical series, and a few concept packs that went unused.

(figure 1)
Our original concept included 4 packs for the 4 tiers of rarity. However, we opted to pair down, creating only a “Standard” and “Premium” pack for each drop, and kept the silver option for special drops.

(figure 1)

A selection of packs I designed for various drops

User Interface & Experience

Our aim is to give users the ability to collect Moments, complete sets, and highlight their collection. Since our entire product is built with the users’ experience in mind, we wanted each aspect to be enjoyable and feel truly unique.

A few concepts I created: collectible detail page, a user’s collections showcase, and a pack loading animation screen.

User Profiles & Showcase Concepts

The driving force behind NFL ALL DAY is collecting. With this in mind, we want users’ profiles to function as digital trophy cases where they can curate their favorite pieces and highlight their collections how they choose.

Interactive Collectible Concept

For each collectible, there lived two versions. One was the collectible that rotated to show the player photo, the game information & score, the set it belonged to, and the legal text. The other version, known as a “Moment,” showed the player photo, then the video of the specific play attached to the collectible, then score and so forth.

An early initiative I worked on was simplifying how these were displayed to users. Rather than show two collectibles that looked identical, I wrote code that combined both and let the viewer decide how to view it. In it’s initial form, it’s a 3D object that can be rotated via mouse or finger scroll. Then, a user can click the play button to active the “Moment” collectible. Some Moments have audio commentary, so I added the ability to toggle it on or off (concept phase only).

(figure 2)
My concept used a “Marquee” team melt moment for the Kansas City Chiefs, an “Ultimate” Moment, whose average selling price was over $7,000.

See the Pen Collectible Spin Display - v2 by Chris Stoney (@cstoney) on CodePen.

(figure 2)

Environmental Design

We held a handful of in-person events during 2021. Below are some photos of booths and physical experiences I was able to help design.

Marketing Content Design

The promotional aspect of NFL ALL DAY included in-stadium videos shown during NFL games, partnerships with the NFL and its personalities, sponsorships of NFL events, and social media promotion from NFL players themselves. The following is a collection of various marketing assets I designed and “templatized” for promotional purposes.

Upcoming Drop Assets

Social Media Content Designs
Series 02 / (2022-2023)

Social Media Content Designs
Series 01 / (2020-2021)

Prior to my work on developing the brand identity for Series 02, I worked on creating content during Series 01 that featured our more generic brand seen on most new Dapper Labs sports products. The following is a small collection of that work.
